Dolly Sods Wilderness

In the midst of this pandemic, a few weeks ago my family and I had to get out on the trails.  So we found a place a few hours from home that promised to be a place of solitude and were on our way.  My parents and grandparents and Canyon and I hit the road and drove to Dolly Sods Wilderness in West Virginia. It was stunning.  Wilderness is a term that is definitely appropriate for this place.  It was stunning but it was also wild. We only ran into a few people the entire time, and most of them were backpackers who were camping along the edge of the river.  This place is not for a novice hiker.  You will want to have proper hiking supplies on hand, included a map and a compass.  We didn't bring we didn't get too adventurous on this trip. We could mostly drive around and do see the sights that way.  However, I can't wait to go back and do a proper trip and hopefully do a little off grid camping along the river. We saw a fellow hiker reading a book on a large rock in the river and it was such a idyllic scene I knew I had to get me some of that.  Canyon loved the hike, his favorite thing as usual though was playing in the water. He is certainly an outdoor loving dog who also definitely needed a nap and bath when we got home.  He is excellent at hiking and is down for any path.  The leash we use is from wilderdog and the harness is from kurgo and we love them for hiking if you are ever looking to hike with your dog I definitely recommend it.  It was such a great day spent outdoors with the people that I love.  


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